Meditation is the task of training the mind in order to get concentration, knowledge, and wisdom.
There are two types of meditation: the first one is tranquility or concentration meditation; the second one is insight or mindfulness meditation.
The first, tranquility meditation is used to train the mind to have enough concentration to suppress emotions or to control the mind. With this technique, your psychic powers may also develop.
The second, Vipassanā or insight meditation is a way to develop mindfulness and clear comprehension in order to get knowledge. The activity of the body, the feelings, the wandering mind and all the emotions which arise in daily life are the objects of mindfulness.
We meditate because we need to find out where unhappiness comes from; before we get happiness we have to know why we are dissatisfied or unhappy or why we have suffered; if we don’t know why we are unhappy, how can we find happiness? People, when they are still dissatisfied, make the mistake of thinking that they have happiness. That’s why we need to meditate: to discover the cause of suffering.
Desire or attachment is the cause of suffering. What is suffering? Suffering is that which is unsatisfactory or unstable; whatever cannot stay long. Suffering means that which is conditioned; conditional existence. That which is just temporary or moment to moment only. For example: when we feel good or relaxed, the feeling doesn’t last long; the relaxation changes to discomfort or tension, and then changes back again; therefore, we have to find out why what we call happiness is not permanent. That’s very important to understand.